
Monday, January 30, 2006

Two things

Just had to blog this as I've been thinking about this a lot, being all insecure about my looks I'm forever asking 'does this look ok' and I want to know that I'm not acting blokey. It' s a horror to me to think that someone just saw me being blokey when en femme. So I asked a chum - she of the after dinner links (geddit? mints, rhymes with links, link = chain oh forget it) 'Do you see anything different between boy me and girl me?)
Her answer?
'I see nothing the same' and that was me hugging myself again.

Second thing, I had some washing hanging around the flat and bestest rg chum turned up with her fiance in tow, so we sat and had a coffee and there hanging on the curtain rail are boy shirts and girls blouses and it wasn't mentioned because it wasn't worth mentioning. I tried to tell her once how much this casual acceptance means but I don't think she got it.

Ok three things, now I've got a flat to myself (after having to sell my fab house, see volumes 1 through 5 of 'Gillian gets glum at the ex' for details) and now that most people know, I never bother to de-princess and thats a helluva buzz having girly stuff lying about, just a wander through the flat can bring a smile to my face.


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