
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Forgot the crossdressing bit

Totally forgot to blog a bit of crossdressing on the trip I just did, no not the everest bit, but another bit. There was a girl on the trip with us (apart from me) and as we arrived in Kathmandu she was a tad put out to find her luggage had gone astray along with her climbing gear. So she's got no clothes except what she's standing up in so we got to the hotel and pulled gear and clothes for her, she asked me for underpants and borrowed two pairs. Isn't that funny that that way round it's not an issue, no one said anything. Imagine I was on a trip with just girls and asked to borrow their pants? I can imagine I'd get short shrift why should that be?

The good news was that after 4 days the luggage arrived and super porter came screaming up the trail with it and caught up with us at Namche Bazar (we are so weak compared to these guys) and I got my pants back freshly laundered. Ironically she never needed her climbing stuff as she never made the peak.

Monstra mihi pecuniam
Show me the money.


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